Night at Ignite.
Phew, and I thought for a moment there that Blogger would still be a bitch to me.
Anyways, sorry, the above picture, I know.
Not that nice, too much noise. (sorry for the photography terminology.)
But I like it, because the boy looks busy.
*Jump jump*
He was, seriously.
But I'm glad I still got to spend few minutes with him here and there.
I geram at you.
*Big Grin.*
Anyways, Ignite!
Amazing, for the first 2 bands, especially when I get to spend time with the lovely Denisia, Aminah & Azura.
I love you girls so much, and it was so fun.
Yes, we shall sleep with a smile on our faces!
And I must kind of emphasize on "Amazing, for the first 2 bands".
'Cause after that, it was getting just a little too crazy.
Great job Heregoesnothing!
Please don't find my blog.
Cause I'm shy if you happen to see this.
You're awesome, all 5 of you.
We're your #1 Fan.
Yay. =)
Happy weekends.